When will Democrats learn how to talk to the nation? It seems like nearly every day the Republican coalition in unison spouts some new outrage to the American public in loud, animated, colorful and succint terms, and the Democrats respond quietly, reasonably, slowly and meekly. What is this all about?
How many times has John Boehner said, “The American people want to know where are the jobs?” It seems to me that Democrats running in EVERY district should play the video in their own commercials and then answer, “The Republicans allowed and actually gave big business tax breaks to ship them to India and China! That’s where they are.” Democrats should be screaming, “When will Republicans agree to help the American people bring their jobs back?” It takes much longer to build an economy strong enough to create jobs in industries that have been decimated by their own management. It takes longer to create jobs in industries that are just being created. But it is clear…if Republicans regain power, we should expect more of the same, jobs disappearing at an alarming rate.
Reagan was a tax cutter (even though he did actually raise taxes when convinced it was essential to do so). He cut taxes for the wealthy and advocated “trickle down” economics. Guess what? It didn’t work then and it doesn’t work now. Reagan ran up HUGE deficits. Republicans scream loudly that the governent cannot create jobs. Democrats should answer just as loudly and firmly, “Neither do tax cuts! Show us the empirical EVIDENCE that tax cuts under Reagan or under Bush created jobs. WHERE ARE THOSE JOBS?!?”
Republicans fooled us once. Shame on them. Frankly, we have let them fool us twice…shame on us. If we are too weak to stand up and call them out for their abuse of the American electorate, if we let them fool us a third time, well I guess we’ll fully deserve the consequences.