Just when you think it cannot get any worse, the McCain campaign comes through and leads the way to new lows.
One thing is sure. Sarah Palin, who should not be too cocky about her role in national politics, based on her recent performances in giving interviews and in the debate. None the less, she seems to have NO RESERVATIONS about going on the attack and spewing vile and even incendiary comments about Barak Obama. But, in a way, I expected it. What else can she offer but shamelessness. If she had any real integrity, she’d would have declined the nomination or already stepped down. She is empty, and everyone knows it, but her. Or maybe dragging the political discourse of the nation into the gutter is her way of being patriotic. Or maybe it’s her way of showing her Christian values.
How people like this can call themselves Christians boggles the mind. But who could have thought that after all these months, Cindy McCain would become a vociferous cog in the Republican lie machine, or maybe it’s the Republican outrage machine. That’s what it produces, not truth, not fact, just outrage.
She claimed Obama sent a chill down her spine for not voting for a troop funding bill (it did not contain a timetable that he had insisted on), but she omitted to say that her husband voted no a similar bill, because it DID contain a timetable. Not to mention the fact that John McCain is one of the primary reasons that we erroneously sent her son there in the first place. I guess she doesn’t care that Obama’s intent was to do the right thing but to perhaps bring her son home, too.
Cheap lies and half-truths. This is the McCain strategy. Dishonorable, which is why the Senator doesn’t stoop himself. He let’s the women get dirty.