Sep 17 / Pundit

Deepening Trouble, McCain Looks Foolish

For 26 years John McCain has ALWAYS stood for less regulation. Yesterday, he was against supporting AIG, but today did an about face and supported it. Today, he embraced regulation of the corruption on Wall Street…for the FISRT TIME, but he offered no plan or specifics.

First of all, I’m not clear that most of what has brought down the investment banks, Fannie and Freddie was illegal. Most of it was probably legal, but risky and born of greed. This situation is a direct result of inadequate regulation. Big business will ALWAYS move toward uncontrolled excesses that are destructive to the nation and its citizens, unless basic regulations insuring fair and sensible practices.

In Michigan today, McCain attempted to portray himself as a protector of the American worker, again for almost the first time. He has advocated a top-down approach to economics his entire career. Obama, perhaps more than any other Democrat because of his community organizing experience, advocates a bottom-up approach to the economy.

Think about it, if early on the Bush administration had supported home owners and trapped mortgage borrowers, the vast majority of the current wreckage to the economy and its infrastrucure might never have occured. Rebuilding the economic vitality of the middle class from the bottom up is EXACTLY what we need, and NOW!

Sep 16 / Pundit

Economic Disaster and the Campaign

John McCain may think the economy is fundamentally strong, but most Americans do not. Millions of families are losing their homes, major investment banks are imploding, Fanny and Freddie have essentially been nationalized, jobs are disappearing, gasoline is still over $4 per gallon and our health care system is broken.

The current administration, and Sen. McCain, believe in free markets as though it was their religion, but greed has historically resulted in great damage to the public when markets are totally unregulated. Markets can still be free even while basic oversight has been put in place. After all, it NOT just the corporate executives of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Lehman Brothers who suffer…It is the American people who are damaged and perhaps irreparably harmed.

McCain and advisers like Phil Gramm have been directly responsible for the continued deregulation of the banking and investment industry. That’s what the Republicans continue to stand for, and that’s why we need change.